R&D Projects




Monitoring of the personal exposure of the population to air pollution with the use of smart Wearables & Advanced methodologies for personalized decision support


Find out more at https://wairit.gr/

This project has received funding from the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)

Monitoring of the personal exposure of the population to air pollution with the use of smart Wearables & Advanced methodologies for personalized decision support

WairIt project aims to improve the current methodologies for monitoring of individuals’ exposure to outdoor air pollution with the use of innovative wearable sensors, advanced techniques of data integration, and methodologies of estimation of personalized air quality indices. The collected data will be made available to the individuals who carry the wearables through a mobile phone application, and to all the interesting stakeholders through a web platform. At the same time, it will provide an optimal routing service based on the distance and the quality of the outdoor air to better inform citizens about the air pollution levels they are exposed to when they are outdoors.

The WairIt solution will be piloted by the employees IDS, a courier company based in Thessaloniki. This pilot application will also lead to the mapping of urban air pollution in the city at a very high spatial resolution. The information collected, after the deletion of any personal information, will be available to the IDS company itself but also to policy makers to facilitate them in making decisions to reduce air pollution.

The role of DRAXIS:

DRAXIS is responsible for the overall coordination of the project, and the development of environmental routing services, air quality visualization analytics, algorithms for personalized recommendations, and the web and mobile application of WairIt.




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