R&D Projects




A multivariate platform for assessing the impact of strategic decisions in electrical power systems
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 288429.

A multivariate platform for assessing the impact of strategic decisions in electrical power systems

Project CASSANDRA aimed to build a platform for the realistic modeling of the energy market stakeholders, also involving small-scale consumers (with possible small-scale production). CASSANDRA did not just provide another tool for visualization. Rather, it provided users with the ability to test and benchmark working scenarios that can affect system operation, company policies, and environmental regulations at different levels of abstraction, starting from a basic level (single consumers behavior) and shifting up to large consumer areas (e.g. a city). The project main outcomes were the aggregation methodology and the framework of key performance indicators for scenario assessment, as well as an expandable software platform that provided different energy stakeholders with the ability to model segments of the energy market, in order to run and assess scenarios for their own purposes.